Canadian Made
The money AccSite generates STAYS in Canada. We don’t just say we’re a Canadian company and then conveniently forget to tell our customers that product development is actually done off-shore. AccSite IS Canadian. Founded by Canadians. Funded by Canadians. Owned by a Canadians. Tech support done by Canadians. On-going feature & functionality development done by Canadians. We are Canadian.
Why is being 100% Canadian so important to us? The top competitors to AccSite in Canada, are American. Why shouldn’t the best option for an effective, flexible, easy to use website for Canadian non-automotive dealerships not be Canadian? It should – and IS, now that AccSite has fully launched.
Benefits of buying from a Canadian company (AccSite)
Canadian Taxes

Everyone hates paying taxes – especially since we are so rarely happy with how our politicians spend our money. That being said, since death and taxes are this world’s two assured events, we may as well keep our money here in Canada in the hopes that it betters our communities and those who live in them.
The goal of AccSite is to be THE Canadian dealership website solution. Better priced. Better options. More flexibility. More efficient. Better customer service. The very best value available. Being Canadian is just one part bricks of our foundation, to help make us the very best option for your non-automotive dealership.