I’m not a big fan of typical corporate bulk. Others may even refer to it as corporate BS. In that light, I’m not going to spout off some fancy Mission Statement; I’m just going to tell you what AccSite is here to do.
AccSite is here to listen and then act on, queues taken directly from customers; and then provide a cost-effective and time-efficient website platform to each and every non-automotive dealership (NPV) type.
My personal experience in the NPV world, when it comes to website providers, is that they fall into three categories:
- A lot platforms are automotive focused by default but there is a story wrapped around them as to why that makes them better; coupled with promises that things will change/get better on the NPV front
- NPV “specific” websites are overly expensive and don’t come with the experience required in order to marry a properly engineered platform with bigger picture digital marketing requirements
- Ad hoc websites done by “agencies”, made to be ‘pretty’, to fool dealers into believing that the core aspect of their business (their actual inventory) is secondary to having an attractive ‘business card’ in the middle of the internet
#1: Automotive dealers are different than NPV dealers in a myriad of ways – as are the way their customers research/shop. Also, dealers, even within the same industry/vertical, need the ability to be flexible on how/what they display. Don’t you get the feeling that when you’re buying a new car, that the experience is pretty much the same no matter where you go? Not so much in the NPV world. Having the ability to treat your heavy equipment inventory (or whatever NPV vertical you are) like heavy equipment inventory, is important.
#2: If you have to spend $3000, $6000, $8000 per year on your website, think about how many additional units you’ll have to sell in order to just cover the cost of your website. If you are comfortable spending on a website to that degree, great. But what if you were able to free up half of that, or more, to invest in other marketing initiatives to make your dealership even stronger? Just like the saying goes, “you can pay too much for gold”.
#3: Your inventory is the life-blood of your dealership. Unfortunately, a typical web design agency does not have the capability to build a website that handles inventory properly. They don’t offer proper inventory SEO. They are clunky, at best, in adding/modifying/deleting inventory. They can’t send your inventory to 3rd parties such as Kijiji, Trader, Facebook Marketplace, etc. They don’t offer the ability to duplicate inventory. They don’t have the ability to upload manufacturer specs on new models. There is no way to offer OEM parts. They don’t have any sort of Lead Management. They can’t handle manufacturer promotions. The technology they build on requires constant updating – which they don’t do. Most of the time they are the ones that have to change info on your site. The list goes on and on and on… but they can be pretty!?! Oh… and a decent website will run you the same price as several years of an AccSite website!
AccSite is on a mission and we’d be happy to bring you along with us as we take on the challenge of bring NPV dealers quality websites, great customer service and the flexibility to run your business they way you need it to be run.
Welcome to the way things should be in the NPV world – and all brought to you by Canadians.